Sunday, August 22, 2010

Snacking or Feasting?

So last weekend we went on the back to school retreat with the middle and high school students. It was a blast! There were 121 people total that went. We talked about being "full" and letting the Lord fill us up and make us overflow in the things in our lives. The speaker, Greg Key, gave different illustrations throughout the whole weekend. I am a visual person, so I definitely appreciated it. He had a loaf of bread on a table and talked about God being the Bread of Life. He asked if we were snacking on God or actually sitting down and taking time to feast on God. I mean how often do we get up or right before bed say, "Oh wait, I need to take 10 minutes to spend with God." I don't think we think about sitting down and just spending time with Him without running to our next thing in our busy lives. This hit me really hard, I know that I am guilty of just sitting down quite often and just doing my one little verse, prayer, and whatever else to get up and run. I want to feast on God instead of snacking.

I also began my senior year of college last week. I can't believe it is here! I am excited about this year as a whole. My classes so far have been good. I am trying to pay attention and not get too bored so early in the semester. We had our first Cougars 4 Christ of the semester and it was great. I have missed those sweet friends of mine.

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