Saturday, November 20, 2010


So this weekend has been interesting, stressful, and fun... Let me start off with the fact that I am thrilled to be done with block 3 lab and know that I am about to be student teaching! We had our last day on Thursday at the elementary school we were teaching at. On Thursday I went over to Alabama to go to the Georgia State vs. Bama game in Tuscaloosa with Valerie, Leigh Anne, and Christina. On the way there I got a phone call from my roommate Melanie saying we got a noise complaint from our downstairs neighbors. Well, I was a little stressed out.. these neighbors have been after us for months. Let me make a note that we NEVER got complaints from the people that lived underneath us before them. These people have approached us in the parking lot and at our door before, when you aren't even supposed to do that.

Okay, so our apartment complex office said in this notice that we would need to move to a bottom apartment or move out of the apartment complex for whatever it says in the rental agreement. At this point I was really mad!! I was also in traffic, which made me late to the game.. but that's okay. Anyway, this was not okay. Melanie had to go talk to the new manager that we just got at our apartment complex (who at this point didn't know any of the past that we had with these neighbors). Melanie went on Friday and they came to the conclusion that for our safety we should move to the bottom apartment. Was I a little stressed? Yes! However, I do believe it will be better for us in the end. I mean the other night they came and almost banged our door down, because they have anger issues and don't want us to walk around our apartment (that is the whole issue, since I haven't said that already).. They can't even hear us talking, they just say that we walk around too late.. Well people, it is an apartment.. that's okay though!

We are going to be moving to a new bottom apartment the week after Thanksgiving, even though we are all moving out in May. The positives are: 1. We will be getting away from these neighbors. 2. It is a better apartment. 3. We don't have to pay more money for the better apartment. I mean it isn't ideal to have to move to only have to live their for 5 months, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. We are going to make the best of the situation. I figure there are other things in this world that are bigger issues than having to move apartments.

Now, I am not going to lie and say I was just okay with this situation at first. I was mad, sad, stressed, and many other emotions. However, I am so glad I finally got okay and at peace with the situation. I mean I probably shed too many tears over the situation. I am now ready to move and reorganize our new apartment after Thanksgiving.

I am super excited about Thanksgiving break and spending time with my wonderful family!

This situation made me think a lot about the Bible study we have been doing with our C4C girls small group on James.. It's been amazing and well this verse has just been heavy on my heart recently..

2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:2-4

1 comment:

  1. I adore this post. I thought I was no help to Melanie the other day. I thought I was too positive when showing her the new apartment. Hopefully my positive spin on things helped her instead of harmed her. Ya'll have a new apartment with hardwood! yay!! I just will be praying that it isn't too stressful moving. I also will do whatever I can to find you some strong guys to help ya'll move. I love you!
