Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Almost Over?

This blog might be more sad than others, maybe not. I don't know. However, today has been a very "real" day. Everything is more real right now. I am about to graduate! This became real because I get to pick up my cap and gown tomorrow. The other thing is I am not going to be living in the Hippo House aka. my apartment with girls much longer. This became real when I realized this is our final week ALL being here. Kayla is about to be gone for 2 weeks to do a Chick-Fil-A grand opening and when she gets back for a few days, I will be moved back to Douglasville. It is crazy!

For 3 years Columbus has been a place where I have built new friendships that I wouldn't trade for the world. I have had a family in Cougars for Christ and the people there. It is crazy to think that in less than 3 weeks I won't be living here. I won't be able to just walk over to Mel's bedroom to talk to her about early childhood education stuff anymore. I won't be going to Common Ground on Thursday nights or Monday night girls dinners with my sweet friends before small group. I won't be going to get fried pickles with Mandi at Country's or going to Momma Goldberg's with Jessica Fonville anymore. I won't be driving back and forth from Douglasville anymore carpooling with Kayla. I won't be able to just call Carla and go to Chill for a frozen yogurt. I will miss going with Stephanie to Chick-Fil-A randomly after student teaching for a stress reliever. I won't be sharing a room with my sweet KK and Carlie. People thought we were crazy, but it has been absolutely great sharing a room with them. I won't forget the times that Kristin Bolt and I did the C4C news dressed as nerds and became so close through that. I won't forget the times Mel and I drove back and forth from Ft. Benning. I won't forget DeeDee moving in with us and that being a blessing getting to spend less than a year with her. I won't forget the wonderful people and things of Columbus. There is so much I can't even begin to say it all. God has truly taught me so much being in this place and I will never forget the people that helped me grow in my walk. I don't think you all know how much you have meant to me. Thank you for giving me a place to be open and honest. Thank you for giving me a place to continue to learn to trust in the Lord and trust in others. Thank you for giving me a place to grow and be me! Who knew that I would be here.. I remember not even planning on coming to Columbus! It shows how funny God is and how He puts us exactly where He wants us.

Now the new chapter comes with me figuring out what exactly the Lord wants me doing. I will be marrying my best friend in 1 month and 1 day! It is crazy to believe that almost 6 years ago God placed this amazing guy in my life that I am getting to spend the rest of my life with. Thankfully he has put up with my crazy self for that long! :) I am excited to see the friends, adventures, opportunities, and so much more that God has for us as our journey will begin together.

Now for an emotional roller coaster of weeks to come! Needless to say I am happy, sad, excited, anxious, stressed, and all kinds of different emotions.

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