Sunday, June 13, 2010


Okay, well all of my best friends have started to blog, so I decided it might be fun to try this. It is a good way to keep up with people, especially if you don't see people very often. I don't really know what all I'm going to write, but I am excited about trying it and seeing what comes of it.
Last week I went to IMPACT with the youth from church as a TL (team leader). It was such an exciting experience, because I went to IMPACT as a camper from the summer after my 7th grade to the summer after my 11th grade year. It was wonderful to be back at a camp that made such an impact on my life years ago and then I had the opportunity to pour into the lives of students over the course of last week. I was placed in the purple school of IMPACT, which is rising seniors and graduated seniors. I had a family group of 12 guys and girls of those ages and a "husband" for the week, this group was our small group for the week. It was amazing to watch how close my family group got after the first night and the discussions we had already had. God definitely had lots planned for everyone who went to IMPACT last week. I know that as a TL I learned just as much as the students did. I don't think one person that left at the end of last week not learning anything.
I think last week I continued to just recognize the love that the Lord has for us. Aaron Keyes played this song called "Jesus Loves Me" the last night of worship. He asked us to all bow down and get in a position where we could pray and after we had been praying for a while is when he started to play this song. I began to just listen to the words and immediately started to just tear up, because I just thought about how even when I am so unworthy I can remember that He loves me. Here are the Lyrics::
When I feel I'm not enough-when I feel unworthy of Your love
When I'm doubting and alone-broken, far away from home
When I've all out forsaken You-oh, I remember..

Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me so..
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me this I know..

When I think about the way, You spoke the word, and worlds were made
Yet you call me Your child, the apple of Your eye
When I lie down to sleep, my heart skips a beat
at the thought so sweet..

Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me so..
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me this I know..

neither death nor life, angels nor demons, not anything that is to come
neither depth nor height, nor all of creation, can separate me from Your love!!

I have definitely become a fan of the song and it makes me so happy to just know that He loves me, and He loves all of us more than we could ever imagine. I could go on and on, but I don't think anyone would want to read this for that long.

I start my summer classes this week, I am not looking forward to that. However, I know I will be excited at the end of the summer. I will be done with 3 less classes to graduate next May. It is going to take a lot of positivity in my attitude and thinking, so that way I can stay motivated.
Oh yeah, people are probably wondering why I named my blog Psalm 91. I did that because that verse means a lot to me. I think it is a wonderful thing that our God is our refuge! If you haven't read it before, I definitely encourage you to. Even if you have read it before you should still read it!

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