Saturday, July 3, 2010

failure NOT perfection

I am back reading "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus. I have been kind of crazy busy and I haven't sat down to continue to read it and I read so much of it today. It was amazing! I was reading a chapter that is about risk. What do you think about risk? Do you take any type of risk daily? I know that I don't take enough risks when it comes to seizing divine moments in my life. When reading this chapter it talks about how failure is so closely linked with taking a risk. I think that is part of the reason I don't take as many risks, I am scared to FAIL! In order to seize divine moments in life and encounter the experiences God wants me to I have to be ready to risk and realize that I might fail, but that is part of it.

Failure also is part of God shaping our character. In the book it says, "It is not cliche to say that the road to greatness is paved by failure." In order to seize divine moments we have to embrace failure as a part of our lives. My favorite quote from this chapter is, "You can exist without ever failing, but you can't really live without facing it."

I am not saying that I have never failed at anything, because that is far from true. I know that I don't take risks though, because I am scared to fail. I usually try to "perfect" things and we all know we aren't perfect people so things will never be that way. However, we need to seize divine moments by taking risks!

Think about this: If we don't take the risk, what kind of moment are we missing out on? What if we change someone's life? What if we build a relationship through the moment that we would've never had otherwise? What if? What if? What if?

I am saying WE, because I am the one that got a kick in the pants out of this chapter and I wanted to share it with all of you.

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